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Materiality Assessment

Our 2019 assessment helped inform the backbone of our 2030 sustainability strategy. We pursue sustainability initiatives that we believe support our employees, customers, and communities to help us continue to create long-term value for our shareholders. To continue our focus on topics where we believe we can make a meaningful difference, we conducted a refresh of our materiality assessment in late 2022, which we completed in 2023. Revised topics from that assessment continue to remind us of our stakeholders’ key issues related to our sustainability efforts. Conducting periodic reviews allows us to identify considerations for potential changes in the topics we include as well as our approach and efforts to sustainability. All topics reflected in this assessment are important focus areas for Kimberly-Clark assessed based on our potential impacts globally. Tier 1 represents the highest impact among the topics, Tier 2 moderate-high impact, and Tier 3 the lowest impact of the topics.

In partnership with an external consultant and informed by reference to our business, strategy, and operations, Kimberly-Clark conducted its most recent materiality assessment with engagement and input from internal and external stakeholders, including employees, senior executives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), suppliers, and consumers. Additional inputs for our analysis were gathered from mainstream external reporting frameworks, peer groups, raters, consumer sentiments and publications. Results from all groups were finalized, taken into consideration and reflected in the material tier model.


*Note: References to materiality or material topics across our sustainability reporting, including our materiality assessment completed in 2023, are for purposes of our sustainability strategy and voluntary reporting only and are not an indication that such information or matters are material to Kimberly-Clark under federal securities laws or corporate reporting laws, regulations, or directives that may be applicable in specific jurisdictions.


Published June 2024